Sunday, October 15, 2006

Yeah, I'm Still Here

Wow, almost two months since my last post here. That's okay. I never really intended for this to become any sort of daily blog, or anything. Really, it's an outlet for the occasional desire to write something when the mood strikes me. Which, obviously isn't too often.

My life has been pretty busy with school. I think I've settled nicely into the music major routine, but it's definitely still a challenge to balance everything. I find the biggest difficulty is making time to practice on the weekends. Living off campus forces me to make the most of my time on campus during the day. This usually means I'll try and squeeze in some practice between classes or before heading home for the day. The weekends, however, present a motivational challenge...practicing requires me to make the 10 minute trek to South Campus.

Yeah, right. I'm just lazy on the weekends.

I also spend some of my time working with the LHS marching band. They've grown quite a bit from the first time I saw them at band camp, but it's definitely a challenge. While, yes, they have made great strides it is tough watching that progress fall short of their true potential. But they're good kids and there is definite room for major improvement next year.