Friday, November 17, 2006

A Playing Commentary

I finally feel like my playing is starting to improve at a decent rate. This semester has been all about fixing the bad habits I've developed from never actually having lessons before. Which is certainly okay, even if it is extremely frustrating at times. And there's still quite a ways for me to go. My mid-low chops have really improved and I'm seeing some nice downward range extension, but I still need to nail down the issues that are hindering my upper range: mouthpiece placement, a tendency to smile, and weak air on the higher notes.

Thankfully, through all this, I've been able to maintain a nice sound. I've always felt that I've had a good fundamental concept of sound, and my teacher seems to agree. Also, working through these issues has made me even more aware of my strengths, particularly with regards to pitch and intonation. I just have to work through these things and everything else will be a walk in the park.