Sunday, August 27, 2006

Life's Twists

It never fails, really. You set out to do something, to get moving on something you've been meaning to do for a while, and something else comes along to disrupt your flow. Something unexpected has to come along and shake things up a bit.

This past week was supposed to be a chance for me to get with the LHS band and teach. I volunteer to do it because it's something I enjoy, but also for a number of other reasons. It's a chance for me to gain some experience with what will eventually be my career, and it's a chance to give back to a group that helped me grow as a human being for four years. It's nice to see them getting bigger and better every year. I remember when they were only 25 people...that was a fun year.

Anyway...the opportunity to work and make some money before school starts presented itself and I just couldn't turn it down. I have a tendency to manage my finances poorly, so this was something I had to jump on. The downside: I had to back out of my teaching commitment. Not too happy about that one, really. Another unfortunate side effect is that my practice time has been cut into. I'm definitely not happy about that one considering I have an ensemble audition in a couple weeks.

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